Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I have this crazy life long goal to become as close to a "Proverbs 31" woman as I possibly can before I leave this earth.  I've read articles, books, found amazing websites and have journeyed through numerous bible studies and devotionals that have impacted and inspired me greatly!
It seems, though, that I whenever I am feeling extremely confident about where I'm headed, I find someone out there who is "P31-ing" sooooo much better than I am... and then I deflate...  Which just goes to show that I was "puffed up" to begin with...
It's really not about keeping up with other women who seem to "have it together".  Being a P31 is not a competition between us women! Pa-shaw!  Where'd that idea come from?  (Well, I have some ideas about that...)  And who says each P31 model should look the same?  No, I think I finally have discovered, that each  P31 is unique.  Fashioned, by God, specifically to fulfill a role in the unique lives, the unique dynamic, that surround her.  The single mom, the mom of a blended family, the woman who is taking care of elderly parents living in her home, the wife of a politician, the housewife/SAHM... There is nooooo way these women can have the same P31 blueprint!
BUT!  We are all called to the same guidelines.  Same guidelines, different finished product.  We are all called to be the heart of our home.  We are all called to bring our husbands (if we are married) good and not harm.  We are all called to protect our finances, bring beauty to our environment and work hard.  "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."  (Proverbs 31:25NIV)
So, as I am on this journey to figure out how to be the best P31 woman I can be, given the life God has chosen for me and entrusted me with, I hope that you will join me!  I want to encourage and uplift you.  I want to pass on all the little nuggets I have learned and will learn as I reach to attain my goal of becoming a P31 woman.  And I want to hear from you! How are you growing?  How are you learning?  What isn't working? (Lord knows, I have plenty of those stories to share as well!!)
I'm looking forward to this!

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